among our clients


  • Leeann Darty

    They were helpful and very flexible in dealing with my complicated booking, which included a last minute change.

  • Vladimir Cross

    Delivery and collection was a hassle-free process and even though I've rented cars several times in my life, this was the best experience so far.

  • Tim Hagley

    Getting a quote was easy enough thanks to their quick and helpful staff... Great cars, great service at a great price... a great experience indeed!

Rent a BMW in Mallorca

In today's world, more and more people have embraced the culture of renting vehicles instead of borrowing friends and family or even buying brand new vehicles altogether. Renting a car offers so much convenience and flexibility and this is why many people who live in Mallorca or visit this amazing island every year choose to take up this option. There are many brands and models of vehicles to choose from. For instance, you can easily rent a BMW in Mallorca today at an extremely affordable price.

If you are familiar with the island, you are aware that it is the largest of Spain's Balearic Islands. The island is considered one of the most exotic tourists destinations in the world. Many visitors from across the globe come to this wonderful island to enjoy the beautiful and expansive beaches, resorts, the magnificent Mediterranean waters and so much more. Touring this island is a decision you cannot regret. What better way to enjoy what this exotic destination has to offer other than driving around in a reliable and convenient automobile.

These vehicles are known globally to be legends in the automobile industry. Originating from Germany, this brand of vehicles have served millions of people for many years. They are the epitome of German automobile engineering and craftsmanship. When you come across a car like this on the road, you are definitely sure that the vehicle has so much to offer. If you are a fan of European or specifically German made cars then this brand of vehicles is one worth checking out.

This brand offers vehicles in various categories. You can come across anything from sport sedans, hatchbacks, convertibles, SUV's and even high performance sport cars. This brand of vehicles are all manufactured and assembled to be high quality and top notch vehicles that offer the best driving experiences on the roads. Driving any of the cars that belong to this brand is an experience like no other. You are assured of simplicity, responsive and a really fun cruising experiencing.

When you hire a BMW in Mallorca it offers so many benefits. For starters, you get a quality and comfortable vehicle that is able to perform according to your expectations. Your vehicle of choice will also be very reliable as you go about your errands or tours in this amazing island. These cars are in most cases considered ideal for driving in most terrains. You can essentially take your rental car wherever you plan on going while visiting the island. You are assured of getting a clean and properly maintained car.

Apex Luxury Car Hire is where you can easily and conveniently get a BMW rental in Mallorca today. You can secure your vehicle of choice in no time and at an affordable price. It is always better to be safe than sorry and this is why you should always make your travel or transport arrangements as early as possible. Booking your car rental as early possible is the best way to ensure that your travel plans in this amazing island are not inconvenienced in any way.

You deserve to pamper yourself a bit, so travel like a superstar and book one of our amazing vehicles today. If you
would like more information about us, our fleet or our services please don’t hesitate to ask.